Remote solver execution with PIFOP

We talked about remote solver execution with PIFOP at the 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies — IFORS 2023. Learn how PIFOP can help you as a teacher, student, researcher or practitioner. WATCH VIDEO
PIFOP is now an

We are happy to announce that PIFOP is now an AMPL Technology Partner! This means that using your AMPL license on PIFOP became much more straightforward. Other benefits include the ability to use AMPL's Python API and to easily share multi-user licenses like AMPL for Courses. READ MORE
Optimization Server on University Premises

For more than two years, the university shown above has been hosting an Optimization Server in one of its high-end computers, allowing more than 200 students, teachers and researchers to run mathematical programs remotely in the university's computing facilities from inside and outside the campus using only a web browser. The purpose of this post is to explain how other universities can do the same. READ MORE
Can you solve these 5 simple network problems?
Creating and solving mathematical programming assignments and exercises in PIFOP just got easier with the new reset-answer and answer terminal commands. In order to demonstrate one of the ways you can use this new feature, I have created a simple challenge that I invite you to try to solve. READ MORE
3+1 Operations Research Practical Assignment Ideas
The best way to teach your students how to use the linear and integer programming techniques to solve problems is to engage them into practical assignments. Here are some ideas with different levels of difficulty for you to try out. READ MORE