Remote solver execution with PIFOP - IFORS 2023 talk

By Davi Doro — July 18th, 2023


In this talk we present PIFOP's approach to remote solver execution and highlight four use cases in which this feature of ours is especially useful (see minute 12:12):

  1. For education — having an optimization server in your university eliminates many problems related to sharing machine resources and solver licenses among students and faculty. Moreover, we provide many other great features that facilitate assignment creation and group collaboration, and our free tier is perfectly suitable for introductory courses. Lean more at PIFOP for education.
  2. For researchers and research groups — co-authors can easily work together in the same project in real-time and offload their tests and benchmarks to computer lab machines or to PIFOP provisioned machines.
  3. PIFOP as a model/code submission platform — authors of mathematical programming papers can use PIFOP to share their code with journals and editors for technical review.
  4. Turn optimization models into web services — we are taking steps to enable users to call their optimization models from other applications via a REST API. It is an experimental feature called PIFOP Functions which essentially turns your optimization model into a web service. Demos can be found at our consulting group website.
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