PIFOP Functions can be executed using virtually any programming language via one of our APIs. This page describes the PIFOP Function REST API, but we provide easier to use client APIs for the following programming languages:
- JavaScript
- Python — comming soon
We strongly recommend that you use one of the above libraries if you are programming in one of these languages. If not, you can interact with our REST API directly via whatever language you are working with. Keep reading to learn more.
General Remarks
Making API Requests
- Required headers: the Authorization header is required for all API requests — see below.
- Request Body: with the exception of the input upload API call, in general the API does not expect anything in the body of the requests. All of the data necessary for the API calls are passed in the URL path or query string.
- Response Body: usually a JSON, with the exception of the output download API call that returns the raw contents of a file.
We use API keys to authenticate requests. Function authors can view and manage their API keys in the Functions management page.
Authentication is performed via HTTP Bearer Auth. Provide the API key in the Authorization header, e.g.:
Authorization: Bearer apikey_MGMK1j5VFu3dTvxOZ3CEd2kNRIYeG4VchcWSehKjCVYDeA79
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.
Common URL Parameters
Some URL parameters appear in almost all endpoints. See below an endpoint example and the meaning of each of its highlighted parts.
POST func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id
- $func_author — PIFOP username of the author of the function. Example: david
- $func_id — id of the function, unique across the functions of the same author, defined in the Function configuration file. Example: tsp_solver
- $exec_id — id of an execution, unique across the existing executions of the same function. Example: exec_ABC1234
The Execution Object
Execution is a short-lived type of object that represents a Function execution. From the moment it is initialized to the moment it ends, an Execution will usually go through the following states: pending — running — ended.
A typical Function execution will require you to perform the following actions:
- Initialize an Execution. An Execution is always initialized in the pending state. Use the returned execution id to perform the subsequent actions.
- Upload input files. This can only be performed during the pending state.
- Start the Execution.
- Retrieve output files. This can only be performed during the ended state
- Terminate the Execution. Essentially destroys the Execution.
At any moment during its lifetime, you can terminate the Execution, which will delete all of the data associated with it.
Object Properties
- id — id of the Execution.
- func_author — author of the Function associated with this Execution.
- func_id — id of the Function associated with this Execution.
status — Execution status:
- "pending" — Execution hasn't started yet. Input can still be uploaded.
- "running" — Execution is currently in progress.
- "ended" — Execution has ended. See end_reason below.
end_reason — Reason why the Execution ended:
- "normal" — The process has ended normally, i.e., without being killed due to usage limits.
- "out-of-memory" — The process was ended due to the memory limit associated with the API key.
- "timeout" — The process was ended due to the time limit associated with the API key.
- init_date — date it has been initialized.
- start_date — date it has started.
- end_date — date it has ended.
- log — the log of the Execution is essentially what the execution prints out to the terminal. When retrieving the Execution object, you have the option to include this property or not. Learn more below.
New Execution
POST func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions- Response body — a new Execution object.
curl -X POST https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123"
Upload Input File
POST func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id/input/$input_id- $input_id — id of the input, defined in the Function configuration file.
- Request body — the input file content.
- Response body — JSON containing input info.
curl -X POST https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions/exec_ABC1234/input/coords \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123" \ -d "150, 254, 145, 222, 478, 644, 98, 51"
Start Execution
POST func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id/start- Response body — the Execution object.
curl -X POST https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions/exec_ABC1234/start \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123"
Retrieve Execution Info
GET func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id?include_log=$include_log
- $include_log — optional boolean query parameter. If false, the execution log is not included in the response. The execution log is essentially what the execution prints out to the terminal. The main benefit of of setting include_log to false is a posible improvement on the network performance of your application, as less data will have to be transfered. Default: true.
- Response body — the Execution object.
curl https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions/exec_ABC1234 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123"
Download Output File
GET func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id/output/$output_id- $output_id — id of the output, defined in the Function configuration file.
- Response body — the content of the output file.
curl https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions/exec_ABC1234/output/result \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123"
Stop Execution
POST func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id/stop- Response body — the Execution object.
curl -X POST https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions/exec_ABC1234/stop \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123"
Terminate Execution
DELETE func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/executions/$exec_id- Response body — the Execution object.
curl -X DELETE https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/executions/exec_ABC1234 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer apikey_ABC123"
The Function Object and API Keys
Get Function Info
GET func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id- Response body — a Function object.
curl https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp \ -H "Authorization: Bearer master_ABC123"
Generate API Key
POST func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/api_keys?key_name=$name
- $key_name — required name of the new key.
- $max_memory — optional max memory. By default, no limit is set.
- $max_time — optional max time. By default, no limit is set.
- $max_executions — optional max simultaneous executions. By default, no limit is set
- Response body — a new API key.
curl -X POST https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/api_keys?key_name=david&max_executions=2 \ -H "Authorization: Bearer master_ABC123"
Delete API Key
DELETE func.pifop.com/$func_author/$func_id/api_keys/$key_name- $key_name — required name of the key to delete.
- Response body — deleted API key.
curl -X DELETE https://func.pifop.com/joe/tsp/api_keys/david \ -H "Authorization: Bearer master_ABC123"