Supported Languages and Files

Supported Languages

Language File Extensions / Name Run with AMPL .mod .md .dat .run .com NEOS, GLPSOL or Opt-server GAMS .gms .gams NEOS or Opt-server MOSEL .mos NEOS or Opt-server ZIMPL .zpl NEOS or Opt-server OPL .opl Opt-server CMPL .cmpl Opt-server MiniZinc .mzn .dzn Opt-server Python .py Opt-server Julia .jl Opt-server C/C++ .c .cpp .h .hpp Opt-server Markdown .mkd .mdown .markdown README

Spreadsheet formats .xlsx and .csv

You can read and write Google Sheets files in .xlsx and .csv formats directly from PIFOP. See Working with Google Sheets to learn more.

Images, PDFs and other binary files

You can upload binary (non-text) files to your project, such as images and PDFs.

Double-click images and PDFs to visualize them. Uploaded images can be referenced and displayed in Markdown files.

Other types of binary files can live in your project just as any other file. If you are using a PIFOP Optimization Server to run your model, you should be able to programmatically reference, load, read and modify them as you wish.

Uploading Files

Use one of the options below to upload files to your project:

  • Option 1: In the top menu, click on the File > Upload option and select one or more files to upload. The file(s) will be uploaded in the root of your project.
  • Option 2: Right click on any file or folder on the file explorer to the left, click on Upload and select one or more files to upload. The file(s) will be uploaded in the folder you have right-clicked on.

Uploading Zip Files

When uploading .zip files using one of the options above, you will be asked if you want to extract the zip into your project, which is a convenient way to create multiple files and folders at once. The zip will be extracted within the folder you have chosen to upload it to, or in the root of the project if you use the top menu File > Upload option.

File Encoding

PIFOP only recognizes UTF8-encoded text files (e.g. models and scripts).

If you ever upload a file that you can edit in with another text editor but not on PIFOP, it is probably because it is using a different encoding. To workaround that issue, either copy and paste the file contents into a blank file in PIFOP or save the file with UTF8 encoding using your text editor — the way to do that varies across editors, but there is usually an "Encoding" option somewhere in the top menus — and then reupload it.

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